Romantic Quotes From Books

Romantic quotes from famous literature

No other source of love quotes could be better than classic and contemporary literature. This is because no other people could be as effective in playing with words to convey emotions other than writers and poets. However, be sure your loved one is keen on appreciating literature so he or she could relate with the message more. Here are some examples of effective quotes that would surely knock out anyone's feet out of love.

'One fairer than my love? The all seeing sun/ Never saw her match since first the world begun.' - Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare would not ever be forgotten for his love-smitten lines for this play, which could be accessed by anyone through classic literature. Romeo and Juliet is among the most popular plays of all times. It has been adopted for television specials, movies, and other forms of arts.

'Love and you shall be loved. All love is mathematically just, as much as two sides of an algebraic equation.' - from Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American poet and essayist. This quote is just one from among numerous love quotes from this famous writer, whose works are compiled in books.

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